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If Christians would stop looking for who has the good doctrine, or who has the bad one, they would be much more into the plan that God has for them.
Nowhere, the Bible does ask to who so ever, to denounce the false doctrines of grace. You can look everywhere, it is written nowhere.
Everyone must check in the Scriptures, looking at the fruits in his own life, or at those which they listen the teachings to, and above all let themselves be guided by the Holy Spirit.

The fact to spread the Gospel is in itself, the best way against any false doctrine that satan is trying to spread.
God does not need you to denounce the false teachings. Using your time to denounce false doctrines is a waste of time. Instead, using your own life as a display of the Gospel is by far the best thing, so that many could enter into the grace of Christ.
Nobody in the New Covenant has fallen into this trap, to spend their time denouncing what seemed fake. On the contrary, all used their time to proclaim the good news.

What’s strike is that there are more people willing to spend hours to denounce these false doctrines, rather than people willing to share the Gospel around them, talking about the love of God for human beings, of the salvation in Jesus Christ, of the great life that awaits anyone who accepts the offer of Jesus Christ. That is what God asks us to do, and nothing else.
For the rest, He knows very well how to manage everything Himself. God is a "big boy"!

So if this is your case, get out of the trap into which you have fallen, share the Gospel instead of acting like an 'avenger '.
Of course, it is not here question to do the ostrich policy, but simply to stay in what God asks me to do, and do not go take care of what is not my role.

Bye for now...

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